Metal Detecting in Ivanovo Region, Central Russia (Story 16)

In the morning, not everybody could manage to get up and metal detect due to a substantial amount of booze consumed at the night party. Those who went detecting did not find much. So it was decided to move to the next location, but where exactly?

Andrei and Igor Preparing to Leave for Another Site

Getting Ready To Go To Another Treasure Hunting Site

While discussing the next location to drive to for treasure hunting, our group split in three fractions, each one wanted to go to a different detecting site.

Not Coming to a Consensus

Discussing Where To Go Metal Detecting Next

Meanwhile one of our group members, Sasha, went across the small creek to the field with visible green square spots indicating the former presence of dwellings. The grass looked really greener on that side.

Nice Looking Spots Across the Creek

But no one wanted to check that field for signals even when Sasha came back and showed everybody his cool relic find - a rare pectoral cross called a "propeller" among the relic hunters. I suggested to my buddies to stay a little longer and metal detect across the creek but Andrei and Igor, like everybody else, just wanted to go to another area. I wished I could persuade them... Oh well, sometimes no grass is green enough.

Rare Pectoral Crucifix - "Propeller", circa Late 17th Century

Rare Pectoral Crucifix