Metal Detecting in the "Large Cents" Land Again

Soon we arrived to the village of Petersburg. It was good to see the familiar church again.

Petersburg Church, New York

10 minutes later we got to Berlin where anyone would think that metal detecting just anywhere there would bring good results. Everything in the village, houses, barns, stone walls, seemed old as if the time stopped there in the 1700s!

Colonial Cemetery in the Berlin Village

Colonial Cemetery in Berlin, New York

Now, our excitement grew even more as we were headed up the mountains.

Taconic Mountains, New York

I already knew how much fun we would have.

Driving to Location

Surprisingly, the dirt road was not very rough - I did not have to 4-wheel-drive for the most part of it.

Old Colonial Road

At some point, where a small spot had been cleared off trees and dense shrubs, there was a nice scenic view on the Taconics.

Alexander's First Real Treasure Hunting Adventure

Alexander in the Taconics, New York