Relic Hunting In Karelia

Nights of Coins and Relics

When I received a very deep signal, I forgot about my fatigue and started a careful recovery. My efforts were rewarded with another medieval relic lying on the bottom of the hole.

Medieval Jewelry Find

The size of this relic suggested that it was either an earring or a small pendant.

Bronze Earring or Pendant

I could imagine a young medieval woman wearing this simple jewelry which would shine gold in sunlight.

A Beautiful Bronze Pendant, circa 8th-13th Centuries

Medieval Bronze Jewelry, circa AD XI-XIV

The artifact's asymmetrical shape indicated that the pendant was handmade. And the origin of its design was yet to be identified.

Relic's Both Sides

Eyelet Up Close

Eyelet Up Close

That awesome relic find completed my night hunt. Now the daylight was returning, and I still had some square yards of unsearched space to cover.

Early Morning