Metal Detecting with Marina

I saw that it was a tough task for her but she was not the one who would give up easily.

Marina Digging a Target

Taking A Short Break

Catching Her Breath

Putting Her Gloves On and Back To Digging

Putting Her Gloves On and Back To Digging

While watching her digging, I was really surprised to witness such strong determination.

Marina Digging a Target Again

At this point, I knew that she needed some help or, at least, an advice.

Marina Digging a Target

I told Marina that such a difficult recovery could be caused by the target's position - it was probably on the side of the hole. The best way to deal with it was to widen the hole a little and scan every handful of dirt from the hole as well as its sides. She did that, and soon got the target inside the dirt in her hand. She slowly opened her palm and...