Metal Detecting Trip To Kostivskoe Village (Story 3)

A Good Program For Deep Search Allows You To Recover Old Coins At Previously Searched Sites

Slava and I went there again a few days later. Our adventures began when we left the paved highway. Slava put his Niva into a lower gear and started driving straight across the field. It turned out to be a bad idea as we realized it two hundred yards later. The heavy rains had been hitting the area hard for days prior to our arrival.

The clay layer under fertile soil had not allowed the water to percolate. The accumulated water turned the field into a big pool of mud. Slava's jeep lost its momentum, slowed down, and finally got stuck right in the middle of the field.

It Did not Look That Bad At First!

Off-Road Experience

We started collecting field stones and putting them under the tires. It did not work - the jeep would not move. Then I walked half a mile to the side of the field where I could find some tree branches. When I brought a bunch of them back, we tried again. It did not work.

Slava and I tried to get the jeep into motion unsuccessfully for five hours! The rain hit again and our adventurous situation was slowly turning into a nightmare. The worst part of it was hearing the cars driving by fast on the highway a quarter of a mile away. At that point we knew that we had to get real help.

Slava Is Trying To Free The Tires Off Mud

Our 4x4 Vehicle Got Stuck In Mud

Finally we found a farm tractor which got us out of trouble. We became mobile again! Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of the whole process as I was busy connecting a steel cable to the tractor. The bad news were that a good half of the day had been wasted. So we searched the site hard hard until we had to go home. At least we managed to recover a few nice finds.

The Day Was Not Wasted Completely

Finds Of The Day