Metal Detecting and Coin Shooting in UK

Late Medieval Coins Found by Nick in Yorkshire

Nick Metal Detects in Yorkshire, England

From Nick:
"This is an Edward 3rd Quarter Nobel 1327 - 1377. It has a plough damage but still is in good condition. It was found in Yorkshire. I thought it was a gold bottle top when I first saw it in the earth. It was a bit bent up but when I felt the weight and saw the inscriptions in Latin I knew I had struck lucky. My mate who had been detecting for over ten years had never found a gold coin but the very next month he struck lucky and found one."

The following pictures show the coin finds made by Nick in Yorkshire, England.

1327 - 1377 1/4 Noble Minted Under the Rule of King Edward III

1327-1377 Quarter Noble King Edward III

Carolus II Counterfeit Coin

Carolus II Counterfeit Coin

1421 1 Groat Minted Under the Rule of King Henry 6th

1421 1 Groat King Henry 6th

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